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There are numerous excellent commercial benefits offered to AD personnel such as free checked bags, waived flight change fees, priority boarding, lower nightly rates, and tailored reservation sites just for military.

Also other non-DoD agencies offer great travel perks such as free TSA-Precheck by inputting your DoD ID number as your "Known Traveler ID" when booking your ticket, and free entry into all National Parks.

Person Rolling Suitcase in Airport



Military Inns, like the Air Force Inns or Navy Gateway Inns, offer a unique and great value to active duty, retired, national guard, and reservist service member families.  The real travel hack gems are found in high demand tourist destinations such as Hawaii, California, Florida, Europe, and Japan.  Learn more about how to find and reserve your next location in the breakdown below!



AD, Retired, family members, and even ROTC/Academy students can fly on open space cargo flights from various Air Mobility Command (AMC) passenger terminals all over the world for minimal to ZERO dollars - the catch is that there is NO guarantee of a seat.  However, if you have the free time and like to travel with a little uncertainty in your life, this is an amazing opportunity to see the world on the cheap!

c17 formation.jpeg

Military PCS


An upcoming PCS move can be an overwhelming experience and it’s easy to overlook certain aspects that could affect the process. Starting to plan your move a few months in advance can help relieve unnecessary stress. It’s important to understand the various ways you can carry out your move (PPM, HHG, P-DITY) and what entitlements are available to you (Per Diem, Mileage, DLA, TLE, etc.). We hope our resources help planning your move and create a reasonable timeline of events for a smooth and painless PCS

Moving House



Interested to run an official DoD sponsored race but don't have enough leave to cover an extended weekend, or perhaps you are getting ready to PCS and would like some extra time to search for your next residence?  Then the Permissive TDY (PTDY) program is for you!  

The difference between a PTDY and a normal TDY is that the government does not cover any of your expenses.  With your commander's approval you can take time to do a number of amazing or necessary events without using your hard earned Leave days

Smile of Victory
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501(c)(3) Nonprofit Corporation | EIN: 85-0925700

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BLUF Military Benefits is a private nonprofit corporation and is not affiliated with the U.S. government, U.S. Armed Forces or Department of Veteran Affairs. U.S. government agencies have not reviewed this information. This site contains information about GI Bill benefits, VA loans, news and services for military veterans and is not connected with any government agency. GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement

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