Permissive TDY
- As of May 2022 -
The PTDY (permissive temporary duty) benefit allows active duty service members to travel at 'no-cost for the government'. In other words, in contrast to a standard TDY in which you are reimbursed transportation fares, hotel costs, and a daily per diem rate, you incur all those costs while on P-TDY. The benefit is that you do not need to burn valuable earned leave days to do so.
Per DoD 7000.14-R (Financial Management Reg) As of June 2021
"Permissive/Administrative Travel Time - An authorized administrative absence not chargeable to leave and for which per diem and transportation allowances are not payable"
The most well known use of PTDY is for house hunting (usually 10 days) in preparation for a PCS or transition prep before final retirement or separation.
*You may be authorized Space-A travel. Please visit our Space-A page to learn more*
Each service dictates its own PTDY program that may expand on the standard benefit​.
Standard policy for approval is at your commanding officer level (Lt Col or above)
Air Force
Members must reference Air Force Reg 36-3003 (6 April 2022)
Table 4.5 lists authorized PTDY opportunities.
Notable opportunities are (but not limited to):
To attend national conventions hosted by service connected organizations
To perform emergency duties as members of the Civil Air Patrol
To attend Civil Air Patrol encampments, drill competitions, conferences​
To participate or train in sports, recreation and talent events officially conducted or sponsored by elements of the Air Force, inter-Service organizations, or DoD, or to participate in regional, national, or international sports events pre-approved by HQ AFSVA/SVPAF
Air Force Marathon
Marine Corps Marathon​
Army 10 Miler
To participate in events, activities, or gatherings which have been pre-approved by HQ AFRS/CC because of potential positive impact on the Air Force recruiting mission as part of the We Are All Recruiters (WEAR) Program
My wife used this to fly in The Air Race Classic (All Women's air race)
To travel to a DoD Laser Center for Refractive Surgery, including Laser-In-SituKeratomileusis (LASIK) or Photorefractive Keratectomy (PRK) ​
For a qualifying child adoption
Members must reference Army Regulation 600–8–10
Section XVI dictates the PTDY program
Authorized by Commanders (Lt Col or above) and when the absence is 10 days or less
Notable opportunities are (but not limited to):
For career management (absence to discuss career management and review personnel records)
To attend civilian education programs
To participate in other official or semi-official programs of the Army provided that - Participation in the program will enhance the Soldier’s value to the Army including but not limited to completing educational licensing requirements leading to a professional degree
To attend meetings (scientific, professional, or technical)
To complete the naturalization process
To participate in or provide essential support to participants in sports, recreation, or talent events - The event must be officially conducted and sponsored by the Army
The overall Navy regulation for admin absences is MILPERSMAN 1050-270
For PTDY - members should reference MILPERSMAN 1320-220
It states:
The intent of permissive temporary duty (PTDY) is to authorize service members time away from their assigned duties to assist with transition activities such as job and house hunting
Members stationed in the continental United States (CONUS) may receive up to a total of 10 or 20 days transition PTDY depending on whether they are being
(1) Involuntarily separated (10 days) per reference (a), paras. 6c(10) and 6c(11). Up to an additional 30 days accrued leave may be authorized per reference (a), para. 6c(11). The member may be authorized 30 days excess leave without 10 days PTDY.
(2) Retired (20 days). The excess leave option is not available for retirees.
Members stationed outside of the continental United States (OCONUS) may receive an additional 10 days PTDY depending on whether a round trip will be made or not (up to 20 days involuntary separation and up to 30 days for retirement)
PTDY may be taken in conjunction with chargeable leave at no cost to the government
Marine Corps
Members should reference MCO 1050.3J
Chapter 5 lays out Administrative Absences or Permissive Temporary Additional Duty (PTAD)
Notable authorized PTAD purposes are (but not limited to):​
Attendance at meetings sponsored by recognized non-Federal technical, scientific, professional medical, professional dental, professional legal, and professional ecclesiastical societies and organizations, when the meetings bear a direct relationship to the member's professional background or primary military duties and clearly enhance the Marine's value to the Marine Corps.
Participation in competitive sports events and essential support of participants in competitive sports events (e.g., all Marine Corps team, Olympics)
Participation in other official or semi-official programs of the Marine Corps, for which funded TAD is not appropriate, which will enhance the Marine's value to the Marine Corps or the Marine's understanding of the Marine Corps and the Marine's relationship to it.
Paternity & Adoption
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