Military Benefits
Response & Resources
- As of Mar 2021 -
To say the least, COVID-19 (Coronavirus) has brought incredible change to the way we work and live. It has brought sudden new challenges and hardships to families across the world. The DoD has addressed such challenges in various ways and has published new guidance to help protect the workforce. Our hope is that this consolidated list helps you overcome this pandemic with the best resources and knowledge insights to help you and your loved ones.
COVID-19 Military Travel - PCS, TDY, & Leave
What are the current COVID-19 military travel restrictions?
The Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) has published multiple memos since the start of the pandemic in the U.S. The most recent June 29th memo authorizes DoD Service Members to take leave outside of their local area. As of this 29 June DoD release, California, Florida, and Michigan still require a waiver to travel to, but all other states are open for Leave travel.
The June memo is an exemption to the May 22, 2020 memo which introduced a Conditions-Phased Approach. On the right hand side (or below text for mobile) you can download the 2 official travel memos, Travel Decision Flowchart, and accompanying DoD Installation Status Guide.
29 June DoD Memo
(Select Image to Open)
DoD 22 May Travel Memo BLUF:
Applies to all DOD service members, DOD civilian personnel, and dependents
Cancels the last 20 Apr SECDEF memo on travel restrictions and is effective UFN
Stop movement still applies in general to international and domestic TDY’s, Leave, PCS, and outside local travel **Exemptions from 29 June Memo**
First, states and locations shall be evaluated using the Opening Up America Plan (Found here: https://www.whitehouse.gov/openingamerica/) and personnel could be allowed unrestricted travel if the following are met
Removal of shelter-in-place orders or other travel restrictions
14-day downward trajectory offlu-like and COVID-19-like symptoms
14-day downward trajectory of new COVfD-19 cases or positive tests
Any installation, facility, or location that meets the following can be considered to permit movement to and from as determined from a change in status from the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness (USD(P&R)) who will consult the Service Secretary, COCOM Commander, or Chief Management Officer
Removal of local travel restrictions
Availability of essential services (e.g., schools, chi ldcare, moving services)
Quality control/assurance capability for household goods packing and moving
Favorable Health Protection Conditions (below HPCON C)
Sufficient Medical Treatment Facility capacity
Testing capability and capacity in accordance with the Department's tiered priority framework to include sentinel surveillance and for at-risk healthcare workers
The capacity to quarantine and/or isolate individuals returning from high exposure locations
Unrestricted travel and normal civilian hiring activities may resume between installations when the change of status is determined for both
There are 11 stated exemptions including recruiting and accessions, patients and escorts, deployments, returning to home station from TDY or PME, and more
22 May DoD Memo
(Select Image to Open)
15 June Travel Flowchart
(Select Image to Open)
DoD 24 Feb Installation Status
(Select Image to Open)
What is the 2020 Military Special Leave Accrual Memo?​​
The new military special leave accrual memo, dated 16 April 2020, states that active members can accrue up to 120 days of unused leave during the effective period of March 11, 2020 - Sept 30, 2020. Members can retain the leave through Sept 30, 2023. Select the image below to open the official memo
What about Space-A?​​
Memo Published 15 March Updated Exemption Categories to COVID Travel Restrictions
The following categories remain eligible:
- Category I travelers: Emergency Leave Unfunded Travel. Transportation by the most expeditious routing only for bona fide immediate family emergencies, (items 1 – 6)
- Category IV travelers: Unaccompanied EML (only items 26 and 27)
- Category VI travelers: Miscellaneous (only items 42 and 46)
Learn more on our Space-A page
16 April Special Leave Accrual
(Select Image to Open)
COVID-19 Military Finance Updates
How is my incentive, Hazardous, and other Special Duty Pay affected?
Service Secretaries have been given authority to waive performance requirements so that members can continue to receive pay they would have normally been eligible for.
Also applies for National Guard and Reservist.
Contact your chain of command to verify if you qualify for a waiver and if you need to take action to obtain one.
SGLI & Reservist: Reserve Component members will not lose SGLI, TSGLI, or Family SGLI coverage due to not being able to drill at least 12x’s a year
You should not lose BAS if you previously lived off-post but have recently been ordered to move into government quarters. Government provided meals can be received at no charge (Service Secretary Authority can be delegated to Installation Commanders)
What is the new Hardship Duty Pay – Restriction of Movement (HDP-ROM)?
Purpose: To help cover lodging expenses for troops ordered to self isolate and are not at home or in government-provided quarters
Amount: Taxable $100/day for a max of $1,500/month
Requires commander and health care provider to order you to quarantine away from existing residence but in the same local area
Not applicable for when on official travel or on PCS orders
More can be found in Section 7 of the linked Fact Sheet
Am I authorized Family Separation Housing Allowance (FSHA)?
Purpose: If dependents are not authorized concurrent travel on PCS orders to the new duty station because of the travel restrictions, member is authorized BAH and FSHA
Allowed if the following 3 conditions are met
Government quarters are not available at the new duty station,
The member has obtained private-sector housing, and
The dependent does not reside at or near the new permanent duty station.
Amount: BAH/without dependents rate of new duty station
More can be found in Section 3 of the following linked fact sheet
Where can I find other military financial emergency relief ?
Military families facing an emergency financial hardship due to COVID-19 impacts are advised to reach out to their military relief organization
Service relief organizations provide emergency financial help with interest-free loans, grants or a combination of loans and grants
If no military relief organizations are near, reach out to the local Red Cross chapter
​Air Force Aid Society​
COVID-19 Education Updates for Military
What is the Student Veteran Coronavirus Act of 2020 ?
Addresses education and assistance for students during the covered period: March 1-Dec 21, 2020
Authorizes the Dept of Veteran Affairs (VA) to continue paying work study allowances
Students using GI Bill benefits can continue to receiving Monthly Housing Allowance (MHA) up to 4 weeks after their school closed due to the virus
Time limits have been extended for students not covered under the ‘Forever GI Bill’ (Anyone using benefits before Jan 1, 2013) & for dependent children using transferred GI Bill benefits (Normally end on 26th birthday)
Members enrolled in the Vocational Rehabilitation Program can continue to receive MHA up to 2 months after school closure
Any student using VA educational benefits will get benefits re-credited if unable to finish a class due to emergency school closure
Full Text: https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/6322/text
Where can I find financial assistance to help pay for additional virtual homeschooling expenses?
Each service Aid Society has set up grants and no interest loans specifically for at home virtual learning financial help
Note - If your service relief organization isn't nearby, one of the other service relief organizations can help process your request
Army Emergency Relief:
Homeschool & remote education for K-12 & undergrad (grant and/or loan up to $1.5K)
Examples of supporting materials include traditional supplies such as pens and paper as well as educational technology including computers, tablets, and software.
Retroactive to March 1, 2020, and will continue until rescinded by AER headquarters.
Air Force Aid Society:
For a limited time, they are offering a one-time $250 grant to eligible Air Force families with a financial need to help with virtual schooling costs for school supplies of their dependents in grades K through 12
Application will be available on 9/1/2020
For questions, contact your local Airman & Family Readiness Center, send e-mail to virtual.schooling@afas-hq.org or call 703-972-2650, option #6
Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society:
COVID-19 Rapid Response Loan: Eligible clients may apply for this interest-free loan of up to $1,500
Coast Guard Mutual Assistance:
$500 At home and virtual learning grant for expenses incurred 01 Aug - 01 Nov 2020.
Application with receipt must be submitted by 15 January 2021
$500 Child Care Grant
Where can I find other educational resources for my family?
The MWR Digital Library offers free access to a treasure trove of online resources to keep yourself and the kids engaged, educated, and entertained!
Note - You will need to log into Military OneSource for access
Here are some noteworthy resources>
—For Kids—
Provides access to more than 15,000 teacher-created, vetted printables to support instruction. Download activities for any pre-K to 6th 8th grade subject: math, science, reading comprehension, STEM...
Explora Primary
Features a database of colorful and fun resources that help children in grades K – 5 learn about animals, music, health, history, people and places, science, math and sports.
Pairs classic video storybooks with related nonfiction titles to reinforce early reading skills and develop real-world knowledge.
Brings history to life by capturing the dramatic and defining moments in American history through dynamic ebooks with embedded popup feature
—For Adults—
Ancestry® Library
Allows you to unlock the story of your family with billions of U.S. and international records.
Universal Class
Offers lifelong learning courses in over 30 subject areas, many of which offer continuing education units (CEUs). More than 500 courses are available, and all are designed and led by professional instructors
Business Plan Builder
Provides help for aspiring entrepreneurs, and individuals interested in planning an optimizing their small businesses or nonprofits
Consumer Reports
Use this online library to access 1,000+ ratings, reviews, expert buying advice
—For All—
Mango Languages
A digital language learning program for learners of all levels, with courses in more than 70 different foreign languages, 21 English language courses and 44 specialty courses
Provides access to more than 30,000 award-winning films and documentaries anywhere, anytime with any device
Stingray Qello Concerts
Offer the world's largest collection of full-length concerts and music documentaries streamed on-demand to just about any digital device
COVID-19 Health & Other Resources for Military Families
This national pandemic affects as all differently. The following are some additional resources to seek out mental and physical health for yourself, family, or a friend.

Call: 1-800-273-8255 (24/7 & Confidential)
Text: 838255
In Europe: Call 00800 1273 8255 or DSN 118
In Korea: Call 0808 555 118 or DSN 118
In Afghanistan: Call 00 1 800 273 8255 or DSN 111​
Offers a wide range of individual consultations, coaching, and non-medical counseling
Military & Family Support Center (M&FSC) & Military and Family Life Counselors (MFLC)
AKA Airman & Family Readiness, Fleet & Family or Army Community Services
Financial, Deployment, Relocation, Transition, Employment, Voting, EFMP support
To locate your installations office go to: https://installations.militaryonesource.mil/
Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP)
The family support branch of EFMP provides coordination of support services on and off base through family needs assessments, providing resources that enhance quality of life. Select the image below to download the EFMP Family Support Reference Guide
Official DoD Coronavirus Website
​CDC - Manage Anxiety & Stress website
Substance Abuse & Mental Health Administration (SAMHSA) Disaster Distress Help
1-800-985-5990 (24/7 Crisis Counseling)
National Institute of Mental Health website
National Institute of Drug Abuse website
Home Protection Updates
How does the August 2020 SCRA Update help protect me?
Public Law No: 116-158 (08/14/2020)
The Servicemember Civil Relief Act (SCRA) was updated to extend protections to service families affected by the DoD stop-movement order
Allows servicemembers to break a housing or vehicle lease without a 30 day notice due to a DoD stop-movement order
Retroactive to March 1st 2020
Families can request reimbursement for (extra) rental payments accrued during the stop-move order
Property managers can’t recoup those unpaid amounts
Servicemembers should consult their installation legal team if they feel they need help with the process
Good Army article to learn more here: https://www.army.mil/article/238437/update_to_law_helps_soldiers_with_auto_home_lease_payments
Read the law here:
Note the official language extends protection for premises or vehicles for professional or business use as well.
Leases of Premises:
“(Orders) which prevents the servicemember or servicemember’s dependents from occupying the lease for a residential, professional, business, agricultural, or similar purpose.’’
Leases of Vehicles :
“(Orders)which prevents the servicemember, or the servicemember’s dependents, from using the vehicle for personal or business transportation.”
How does the 2020 CARES Act Protect my VA Home Loan?
VA Home Loan borrowers can contact their lender and request a forbearance due to a financial hardship as a result from the COVID pandemic (No documentation is needed. Just a call)
The initial forbearance period is 6 months with the possibility of an additional 6 months
Forbearance period = Mortgage lender agrees to accept reduced or no payments, will not issue any late or penalty fees, and will not report negatively to credit bureaus against borrower
Interest is still accrued on loan
Missed payments are not due in a lump sum at end of forbearance. Borrower will create payment plan or modify existing loan with lender
NEVER pay a separate company to request your forbearance.
Protection 2 - A foreclosure and eviction moratorium (stop) for 60 days starting March 18, 2020 and ending August 31, 2020
If you are in danger of becoming homeless during the COVID-19 national emergency, please reach out to https://www.va.gov/HOMELESS/NationalCallCenter.asp, or call (877) 424-3838, to receive immediate assistance from VA.
To read more from the official VA site: https://benefits.va.gov/homeloans/cares-act-frequently-asked-questions.asp#FAQ1
We also recommend the following podcast: https://laceylangford.com/podcast/overcoming-homebuying-challenges-with-chris-birk/
We would love your feedback or further insight on this topic!
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